Sunday, May 24, 2009

movie games, ginger ale, and errol flynn

i had intended to play my favorite movie game this afternoon; Guilt By Association. Easy to do even if you have a rather small collection of films, as long as your taste is fairly consistent. the rule is this (and there is only one rule) watch as many movies as you have time for, but every movie must have one actor in common with the last one. it can become a film fest if you like, but it is more fun to choose some cameo actor and go from there. movie sluts like michael caine and johnny depp make it easy to see really disparate movies in one afternoon. or if you start with with relatively obscure actors like terrence stamp, you can go from 60's crime escapades to Priscilla, Queen of the Desert to LA Confidential (Guy Pearce) to A Beautiful Mind (whatsisname the handsome kiwi who handled fame so badly, o! russell crowe) to Labyrinth (Jennifer Connolly)! (imdb is cheating.)
HOWEVER... instead i watched (listened to) Errol Flynn's Captain Blood while making cookies and cleaning the kitchen. his first starring role, he is still young enough to REALLY be having fun. he probably wasn't entirely drunk the whole time yet, either! and then for something entirely different, sadie and i watched Silverado. i just had to hear Kevin Costner say, "All i did was kiss the girl, Emmett." o, and Danny Glover saying, "i don't want to kill you, and you don't want to be dead." i can't tell you how many times i have said that over the years and could not remember from whence it came.
but it is late, and i am obviously wandering.
here is your recipe of the day:
ginger ale
16 oz mineral water (ice cold, of course)
1 tsp or less maple syrup
2 Tbs ginger juice, or more (juice a bunch and keep in a jar in the fridge)
slice of lime
combine ingredients 1,2, and 3, and stir. top off with a squeeze of lime. yum! great on movie day, yard work day, laundry day. also great for nausea, morning sickness, sea sickness, hangovers, cramps, you name it! good stuff.

good night, all!

ps. feeding nachos to the dog: mistake.

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