Wednesday, December 31, 2008


i was very proud of myself! the bathroom got some much needed attention. i took apart the dripping faucet in the tub and reseated all of the springs with new gaskets, put in a new ball and some other bit that keeps water from spraying everywhere when you turn it on. and now, no drip. yay! i also changed out the defective light switch without killing myself even once! AND it turns on and off as it is supposed to!and then to top it off, i oiled the hinges on the door. for those of you who have visited, you know that access to the bathroom is through my bedroom. (yes, a minor flaw that will be amended when the children leave home and don't have to use that bathroom at 4 am anymore.) but for now, at least it is quiet...-er.
and all was well in my world until i went outside to hang my laundry this morning...

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