Friday, August 22, 2008


though originally woody guthrie's, this idea comes from sadie, who wrote this on her computer. whereas i am not sure that i agree with that entirely, i like her idea about communication and information making good old-fashioned fascism impossible. my own idea, however, is that corporations are the new american fascists. in the abused names of security and convenience we have allowed ourselves to be vastly separated from our real sources such as food, family, and community. if we take back control over our food supplies and means of production, opting for local and handmade sources over imported goods and engineered foodstuffs, we draw closer to our families and communities. food is not junk. your coffee mug is not a nameless cog in the machine. where did that coffee come from, anyway? as these things become objects of thought, there is a shift in the mindset. we sit down for dinner. we meet our neighbors and our farmers. it becomes easier to make decisions that are good for all of us and not just based on fear, speed, or what will buy us that mercedes benz.
(note: i am not really advocating killing anyone. not even dick cheney. but with their means of control eradicated, they can adapt or die. ideologically, anyway.)

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