Wednesday, August 15, 2007

welcome to future 26

i am laughing at the thought that 26 is still in my future. in fact, i left it behind slightly over a decade ago. (one decade, five and a half weeks ago, to be exact.) still... future 26 it is. i live in asheville, and through asheville runs an interstate highway alternately known as I240 or future 26. it has been marked "future" 26 for some years now, and the future has yet to be realized. somewhat like me. i have been marking myself "future" most likely since i left home at the tender age of 18. it is always next year. next month. next firing. well... the future is now. the time still to come has knocked, and i am opening all the doors and windows. this blog will (i hope) be a place for me to catalog and contemplate victories and other perhaps not so sublime experiences as the future unfolds. i assume that my readership will never expand beyond my family and friends, but if you have stumbled into my electronic easy chair in the cyber kitchen of my brain... welcome. have a seat. perhaps a biscuit. a cup of tea... coffee... ricemilk if you have time. and join me for a thought or two as we groove on down



Mimi said...

sissy you are the best:) i hope to be able to drive up future 26 sometime soon...i miss you SO much!!
all my love

Heather Tinnaro said...

miss you, too, chicky. thanks! come on up! the water is fine. (the air is hot and sticky, but the water is great!)